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La Ciutat disseminates

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  • La Ciutat disseminates

Below you will find links to the different audiovisual sections of interest about the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències in Valencia.


In this section, you will be able to listen to all the podcasts about astronomy, science conferences, and current events at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia.


Below are the dossiers of the different art exhibitions at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia.

cielo del mes
saturno icono


Download the free celestial planisphere of the month to locate stars and constellations. Remember that planispheres are specific to a latitude, make sure you have the right one for your location.

folletos icono


In this section, you will find all the informational brochures of the different venues at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia.

libro icono


Discover all the educational content that the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències makes available to schools.

interrogantes icono

Did you know that?

IMAX’s LARGEST FILM FRAME utilizes the largest film frame possible to date, so the image projected on the screen is ten times larger than that of a conventional cinema?

Planetarios en el Hemisfèric