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Ven a ver las cuerdas vocales en acción, marca el tempo de una orquesta, compón e interpreta con diferentes instrumentos o toca un arpa virtual



Come and see vocal cords in action, set the tempo of an orchestra, compose and perform with different instruments or play a virtual harp.interpreta con diferentes instrumentos o toca un arpa virtual.



The sciences and the arts are not only not opposites, as they make up part of the whole corpus of our culture. The “Play. Science and Music” exhibition produced by the “Parque de las Ciencias de Granada” in collaboration with the “Museo Interactivo de la Música de Málaga” (MIMMA), lets you immerse yourself into the world of music from such varied perspectives such as history, anthropology, science and education.

Play shows a large historic collection of musical instruments, areas with interactive experiences related to creative and cognitive processes of music, as well as multimedia experiences. An exhibition full of surprises: How much talent and technology are required to play music using a mechanical machine? imusic recorded on a wooden rolling pin…! Can we see the waves? Is there music in the vacuum?

Come and see vocal cords in action, set the tempo of an orchestra, compose and perform with different string and percussion instruments or play a virtual harp. An opportunity to understand and feel the passion for music and science in an exhibition that also collaborates with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Science and Innovation

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music”. Albert Einstein.

Students and teachers of music schools, including non-regulated ones; professionals from the world of music and members of music bands will get a 50% off on the entrance ticket to the Museu de les Ciències on presentation of supporting document

 – 20/08/2023
Recinto: Museu de les Ciències

Visita virtual

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