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This exhibition shows his accomplishments and the awards and honours he received throughout his long scientific career, being donated to the Valencia City Council on January 16th, 2013. At the express wish of Professor Grisolía, these are exhibited in the Science Museum, along with those of his teacher and Master Severo Ochoa.



Since its inauguration, the Science Museum is displaying on the second floor ‘The Legacy of Science’, a theme exhibition displaying the life and work of 3 great Nobel Laureates in Medicine: Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Severo Ochoa and Jean Dausset. Severo Ochoa received the award “for his findings in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids”.


This contribution to science is considered one of the crucial landmarks that brought us another step closer to the molecular genetics of present days. Thanks to a select number of eminent scientists headed by Ochoa, we can read the genetic code, compare DNA profiles of humans and other species and develop the promising tools of genetic engineering.


Santiago Grisolía is one of his most distinguished disciples, now a Valencian important scientist who participated in the discovery of the urea cycle and how citruline (a biological compound) is involved in this cycle.


Santiago Grisolía (1923-2022), a distinguished person of Valencian, Spanish and international research. Santiago Grisolía, president of the Consell Valencià de Cultura and promoter of the Rei Jaume I Awards, played a fundamental role in the promotion and development of the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències complex, whose Museu de las Ciències houses and exhibits a great part of his scientific and personal legacy.


Throughout his life, Santiago Grisolía deserved innumerable decorations and recognitions that the visiting public can learn about at the Museum, whose auditorium also bears his name.


More information

Building: Museu de les Ciències
Location: Segunda planta

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