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…Juvenile batfish are carried along by the current, like dead leaves floating on the water surface?


Order: Perciformes.
Family:  Ephippidae.
Distribution: Tropical Indo-Pacific and Asian Pacific.
Measurements: up to 50 cm.
Food: plankton and algae.
Special characteristics: it has a black and grey colour.

It is distributed in costal lagunes and reefs, where it forms large shoals at a depth of up to 40 metres. Juveniles can be found in shallow waters near the shore, or on seabeds covered with seagrass, which they often rest on.

The orbicular batfish gets its name from the rounded shape of its body and it has a black and grey colour. As an adult it can grow to 50cm long. They feed on plankton and algae.

Discover the orbicular batfish in the Temperate and Tropical facility of the Oceangoràfic.