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The Museu de les Ciències, in collaboration with the King Jaume I Awards Foundation (FRPJI), will be holding L’Albufera: From Jaume I to Natural Park on 3 June at the Santiago Grisolía Auditorium, a dissemination activity that underlines the importance of supporting research for scientific development in Spain.


The jury of the Rei Jaume I Awards meets every year in June, made up of world-renowned scientists and entrepreneurs, including Nobel Prize winners. In recent years, young scientists trained in Spain, who have excelled in important international research centres, have also been invited.


During their stay in Valencia, the members of the jury take part in various activities, such as colloquiums, talks and visits to research and technology centres, which gives them an in-depth knowledge of the scientific fabric of the Valencia Region. After deliberation, the winners are announced at the Palau de la Generalitat.


This year, the programme includes a special event at the Museu de les Ciències on the Albufera Natural Park, organised in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of the Environment, Water, Infrastructures and Territory and Valencia City Council. The event will be attended by 22 Nobel Prize winners, leading international scientists and business people. The day will culminate with a visit to the Albufera.


Don’t miss this unique opportunity to participate in an event that brings together some of the world’s brightest minds!


Register now and be part of an experience that celebrates science and knowledge.


The activity is conducted in English with simultaneous translation.







Location: Museu de les Ciències
Ubicación: Auditorio Santiago Grisolía
Hora: 10.15