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Astromenuts: An Stellar Adventure for the Little Ones!


Dive into the fascinating world of space with Astromenuts, a live planetarium session specially designed for young audiences. Every first Sunday of the month at 12 o’clock, little explorers will have the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of the universe and discover astonishing cosmic secrets.


From the cycle of day and night to lunar phases and constellations, Astromenuts will explore a wide variety of astronomical topics in an accessible and enjoyable way. Accompanied by our expert guides, boys and girls will embark on a thrilling journey through the solar system, exploring planets and attempting to catch a star along the way. An unparalleled adventure that will leave young astronomers wide-eyed with wonder!


This planetarium session is based on the successful Bebenautas program from the Huesca Planetarium, Space 042, and promises an educational and thrilling experience for the whole family.


Session Details:

Duration: 30 minutes
Time: Every Sunday at 12 o’clock
Dates for the year 2024:

July 7th
August 4th
September 1st
October 6th
November 3rd
December 1st


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to explore the cosmos!

Book your spot now and get ready for an unforgettable experience.


Bucle magnético

Building: Hemisfèric