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Brave_Indomable de Pixar en el Hemisféric de Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciencies



Year : 2012
Duration: 93 minutes
Rating: Suitable for all audiences and especially recommended for children. ICAA Exp 188811
Directors: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, Steve Purcell
Screenplay: Mark Andrews, Steve Purcell, Brenda Chapman, Irene Mecchi. Story: Brenda Chapman
Music: Patrick Doyle
Photography: animation
Companies: Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Language: Spanish


Saturday, February 24, 2024, at 6:00 PM


Determined to forge her own path in life, Merida challenges an old sacred tradition for the rebellious and fun-loving lords of the land. When her actions inadvertently unleash chaos in the kingdom, Merida must harness all her skills and resources to undo a terrible curse before it’s too late… and discover the meaning of true bravery.


Bucle magnético

Building: Hemisfèric