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The Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències invites you to celebrate the International Day of Scientific Culture next Saturday, 28th September, with a free solar observation at the Paseo de Cipreses, next to the west entrance of the Museu de les Ciències.


From 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, you can enjoy a unique astronomical experience where you will have the opportunity to observe the Sun and its most impressive phenomena, such as sunspots on the photosphere and the spectacular prominences of the chromosphere.


We will have several specialised telescopes: some with visible light filters that allow you to see sunspots, and others of the H-alpha type that facilitate the observation of solar flares. The image of the Sun will also be projected onto a white screen for safe and comfortable viewing.


In addition, there will be an interactive display table where you can learn about the nature of light and the Solar System. You will be able to experiment with instruments such as a glass prism, a spectroscope, a Newton’s disc, photoelectric cells, a tellurium, and scale models of the Solar System, among others.


The activity will be guided by experts from the company Nébula and the Valencian Astronomy Association, who will share their knowledge about the temperature, composition, and structure of the Sun.


IMPORTANT: Observations should be done with telescopes equipped with special filters to ensure a safe experience. Never look directly at the Sun without proper protection.


Location: paseo de Cipreses (next to the west entrance of the Museu de les Ciències).
Access: Free until full capacity is reached.
Note: The activity is subject to weather conditions.


We look forward to seeing you there to enjoy the Sun and scientific knowledge together!

Date: 28 September 2024
Venue: Museu de les Ciències
Location: Paseo de Cipreses, junto a la puerta de acceso oeste del Museu de les Ciències
Time: 11.00 a 13.00 horas

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